Validation of illuminance predictions from lighting simulation programs
- The BRE-IDMP validation dataset was used to test Radiance predictions.
- Comparison of predictions with measurements in full size offices under real sky conditions.
- Measured sky luminance patterns were used in the simulations.
- Radiance predictions proved to be capable of high accuracy (+-10%).
- The most rigorous validation of illuminance predictions under daylight conditions to date.
- Investigation of confounding factors present in validation studies.
- Parallax errors in sky simulator domes proved to be fundamental limiting factor for high accuracy work with scale models.
Daylight coefficients
- Formulation of a refined daylight coefficient approach using standard Radiance.
- Efficient computation of time-varying daylight illuminances based on hourly meteorological data.
- The daylight coefficient solution invariant to building orientation and locale - rapidly evaluate design scenarios for multiple orientations and climate locales.
Useful daylight illuminance
- A climate-based daylighting metric.
Illuminance Proxy - High Dynamic Range Imaging
- A HDR method to measure arbitrarily complex illumination fields under real-world conditions.
Spatio-temporal mapping of solar penetration in buildings
- Fast, image-based approach to generate spatial and temporal maps of direct solar irradiation in buildings.
- Precise, rapid evaluation of parametrically generated complex roof systems.
Irradiation mapping and solar access in dense urban environments
- Total annual irradiation is a measure of all the energy from the sun and sky that is incident on a surface over a period of a full year. It is a more realistic measure of solar access than those based on idealised conditions, e.g. CIE overcast sky.
- Image-based approach to predict total annual irradiation in complex urban environments (ICUE).
- Building applications include BIPV and solar-microclimate responsive facade design.
- General applications include evaluation of solar access for buildings and open, public spaces.
Driver exposure to particulates
- In-car measurements of coarse and ultrafine particulates to determine driver exposure.
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